Brush Pick Up
- The City of Lisbon Public Works Crew will pick up brush the 1st Monday of each month from March to November.
- All items must be stacked neatly in a pile next to the curb, large cut end to the right when facing the street or placed in a container for easy dumping. Pile size: 4’ high by 4’ wide. No brush shall be larger than 10” in diameter and 8’ long.
- The city will NOT pick up piles seen to be the result of the removal of a privately owned tree. Only small branches, twigs and other debris will be picked up to be chipped.
Yard Waste
- Johnson County Refuse will collect yard waste on the 2nd Monday of every month from March through October. Garden debris/yard waste must be placed in a rigid 35 gallon or less container and set at the curb. Grass clippings should be composted or placed in a container or yard waste bag. Any containers over 35 gallons will NOT be picked up.
Leaf Vacuuming
- Leaves will be collected in the Spring and Fall with dates to be announced.
- Place leaves in a loose pile between the sidewalk and the curb, at least 10 feet from any fixed object or vehicle.
- DO NOT mix leaves with garden debris.
Questions call: City of Lisbon 319-455-2459 or Johnson County Refuse at 1-877-423-9877